Dull And Oily Skin Care With Soy Milk

Tuesday, December 23, 20142komentar

        healthy-own.blogspot.com - Dull and oily face treatment with soy milk we will make the topic of our discussion this time. Hello friends meet again with mimin here, all good news? Ok, this is actually not a new thing though various sources on the internet this is referred to as a new way to overcome yag dull and oily face. It's been long enough that the natural ingredients of soy milk is known as one of the ways facial beauty treatment that has two main benefits are useful to help prevent wrinkles and second benefit is to help minimize and prevent premature aging.

Tips and how dull and oily skin care with soy milk

Apart from the two main benefits of the above, which is very easy to obtain soy also has efficacy and usefulness as one of the ingredients to make a dull and oily skin care. Why is that? according to some sources said that usability is obtained because these soy has the ability to help stimulate repair of elastin fibers and collagen production is also natural that this will help in maintaining the elasticity and freshness to the skin of the face and body. In addition to the direct consumption, soy milk can also be used to mask the skin to help care beauty from the outside.

Dull and oily face treatment with soy milk mask

Soy is very rich in protein, vitamin E, beneficial fiber and isoflavones also where it is very useful to help overcome the damage that occurs to the skin as a result of exposure to direct sunlight. Another benefit is to help tighten the skin, and the main thing is to reduce the levels of excess oil on our skin that is potentially trigger acne disorder. The last of the benefits of soy milk mask is highly recommended to us that pertained have oily skin types.

How to make soy milk mask for dull and oily skin care? It is easy, making soy milk mask we just need to prepare as much as half a cup of soy beans which then must be first soaked up overnight. The next day, it was blenderlah soybeans do not forget mixed with a little water until thickened and later shaped into a paste. If friends do not blender at home, can also be done by mashing of soybeans until smooth. After the dough mixing them we have made with 2 teaspoons of milk and then stir until evenly distributed. Once ready, clean up first face and pat dry with a clean towel, then oleskanlah dough evenly on the face with a light massage with a little. Let stand for 12 minutes first and later uses the immediately rinsed with warm water.

Notes on dull and oily skin care with soy milk mask

The benefits of soy milk mask is to overcome the dull and oily face is very well known and widely used. But from some of the comments we read in some discussion about this is that there is a complaint that way too complicated. If it turns out way above was considered complicated and less practical, then we can take another alternative way is to buy instant soy milk packs are sold in supermarkets. REMEMBER !!! select the pure ya friends do not let one. After that we just pour soy milk ingredients in a container that had we prepared and then do it the same way as above, ie wash face, then we dip cotton in soy milk mixture before, after it oleskanlah on our face evenly. Add a light massage on your face so that the nutrients in soy milk can be absorbed up to perfect and we soon feel the benefits. Let stand for 12 minutes until the first soy milk is drying up and afterwards rinse the face with clean water.
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July 6, 2019 at 2:12 AM

Thanks to Admin for sharing such useful information. Addition to this here I am sharing 1 more similar Story Home Remedies for Oily Skin.

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