Smoking and Alcohol Can Cause Throat Cancer
Friday, December 12, 20140 komentar - What is cancer of the throat? Throat cancer is a cancer that is found in the throat or vocal cords. Throat is a channel that starts behind the nose and ends at the neck. Meanwhile, the vocal cords is located just below the throat. The vocal cords are composed of cartilage membrane that vibrates to make the sound of a voice when you speak. In addition to the two organs, throat cancer can also occur in the epiglottis cartilage that serves as a lid for the wind channel throat.
Signs & Symptoms
How the signs and symptoms of throat cancer this? Among others are:
difficulty in swallowing
Pain in the ear
Lumps that can not be cured
Lump in the throat
Weight loss
Causes & Risk Factors
Throat cancer occurs when cells in the throat of a genetic mutation. This mutation causes the cells to grow uncontrollably and continued to live after the death of normal cells. The accumulation of these cells can form a tumor in the throat. Actual causes of throat cancer is not known with certainty. However, doctors have to know what factors can increase the risk of this disease.
Type of throat cancer include:
Nasopharyngeal cancer occurs in the nasopharynx - the part of the throat behind the ears.
Oropharyngeal cancer occurs in the oropharynx - the part of the throat behind the mouth.
Hypopharyngeal cancer (laryngopharyngeal cancer) occurred in the hypopharynx (laryngopharynx) - the lower part of the throat, slightly above the esophagus and wind channel.
Glottic cancer occurs in the membrane voice
Supraglottic Cancer occurs at the top of the larynx and epiglottis, including cancers that attack, in which most of the cartilage that holds the food into the throat.
Subglottic cancer occurs in the bottom of the vocal cords, under the membrane voice.
Risk Factors
Factors that may increase the risk of throat cancer include:
Smoking and chewing tobacco
Excessive alcohol use
Lack of dental hygiene
HPV virus
Foods low in fruit and vegetables
Exposed to asbestos fibers
Have not found exactly how to prevent this throat cancer. However, you can reduce the risk of this disease by means of:
Do not smoke
Not consume alcohol
Consuming fruits and vegetables
Using personal protective of chemicals in the environment
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